Handbook Of Gear Design By Maitra

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Rapid developmentshave taken place inrecent yearsinthe design, manufacturingprocesses material, heat-treatment and other strength-improving procedures, inspection, checking and control of gears. In the presentera of sophisticated technology, mass production anc high-speed machinery, geardesign has evolved to a h gh degree of perfection.


Handbook Of Gear Design By Maitra 2

This new edition provides extensive information to designers on various aspects of gears and gearing systems. Very comprehensive in its coverage, the handbook contains enough tables, illustrative examples and diagrams to enable designers arrive at quick solutions for their problems. The handbook is based on ISO specifications and is a unique blend of practical as well as the theoretical aspects of gear designs.

Handbook Of Gear Design Gitin Maitra Pdf

The new edition includes more on spiral bevel gears, arcoid gears, klingelnberg and gleason systems and gear tooth checking.

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